Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Bridal Fair went well other than that darn panic attack...

Is it normal to cry every day after you get engaged? I have cried listening to sappy songs on the radio almost daily for the past two weeks. happy tears, but uncontollable sobbing, nonetheless. Thinking about the future and how amazing B is and how wonderful our life is going to be gets me a little emotional. I have never in my life been able to count on a man like I lean on him. He is the most selfless person I have ever known, and I have no doubt he would do anything to make me happy. I have no doubt that he will continue to do so for the rest of my life. It's a little frightening. Thoughts like these have led to a handful of panic attacks. I am the independent one. I'm the free-spirit, but I want nothing more than to hide away and keep him all to myself. Maybe I'm losing my mind. *smile* I blame him.
My mother and future mother-in-law got along wonderfully; I knew they would. We are all going dress shopping the weekend after next. My mother hasn't returned my phone calls for the past two days. *grumble* Ah, family. What would we be without them?

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