Monday, March 21, 2005

good times

had a lovely weekend. only left the house to shop for groceries... twice. Went downtown to the market. homemade veggie tamales. very tasty though not very nutritious. reminded me of the old hometown.
Today B. was doing homework all day, so I cooked lunch and dinner. felt very domestic. I watched Mona Lisa Smile. not very impressed. Dead Poet's Society was better. I adore Kristen Dunst, though. She's so cute, even when she's misunderstood and bratty.
*sigh* Bedtime. I don't go in too early tomorrow, but early enough. It's going to be a mixed blessing to get into my own store. No more 9 to 5. mixed indeed.

1 comment:

MamaChristy said...

Don't you hate to get your credit card bill and see that you went to the grocery store three times in two days? I do that more often than I would like and I'm always irritated. Why couldn't I make a list of EVERYTHING I need? But, weekends at home with those you love - a vey good thing indeed. :)