Saturday, April 16, 2005


Not too much to report. B's been off school this week. We both worked alot. I did my taxes, and expected to owe some money, but it turned out to be a reasonable amount. (thank you house/tution/self employed credits) Ben did his taxes; his refund is going toward drum equipment . *hrmph* I find it hard to be supportive of "fun" purchases right now with my own tight budget, but then I remind myself that I'm not his mother and he's an adult. He's been amazing about helping me with a million things and he may never have the opportunity to spend a thousand dollars on recording equipment ever, ever again... *sigh* I'm just jealous.
On that note, it a beautiful spring day here in the tri-state area, and I wish you were here.


1 comment:

MamaChristy said...

I was blinded by the family photo (photos seem to draw my attention - perhaps that's why I take so many of my son?) and missed this. Sorry to hear you had to pay the government. That stinks. Last year we got a nasty-gram from the goverment telling us that we should pay quarterly because we owed well over a grand. They can shove that!

The day will come when you are a playwrite - starring in your own Broadway show, of course - when YOU will spend a $1,000 on anything you like.

The days are getting more humid by the minute. I would loved to have been there for your lovely spring day...