Sunday, April 24, 2005

if you don't like the weather...

wait 5 minutes. How true it is here in Cinci. I woke up yesterday to crazy thunder, and today I woke up to snow. I'm freezing, but I refuse to turn on the heat. It will be back to normal temps in a couple days. Ben wanted to turn on the AC a few day ago! I'm stingy. We did turn on the house fan. Coolest thing. I'd never hear of one before this house. Just open the windows and the fan circulates the air through the whole house! Creates a nice breeze. I only needed the AC for a few weeks last summer. Electric/gas bills were a bear all winter, but relief is in sight. Yea seasons!

1 comment:

MamaChristy said...

Seasons? What ARE those? I keep hearing about them...