Friday, October 14, 2005

day in a nutshell

Worked at the restaurant today. needed a Shiner when I got home. moody beyond belief. it's good to be home. B and I get to spend some time together tonight.. we haven't gotten to do that much this week. we'll end up watching an episode or two of Smallville. I can't decide if I adore Superman or Tom Welling more. I really liked Lois and Clark, oh so many years ago. I think that may have been the last TV show I HAD to watch every week. Dean Cain. um. Again, not sure whether it was the man or the myth.
Have I always been a music junkie? I am obsessing over the idea of an IPOD. I download songs constantly. I have to have music in my background. Never got excited about satellite radio, but my own personal soundtrack? Envy is a deadly sin for a reason. I want to go dancing at a gay bar.
I think about my grown up friends alot whilst blogging. I don't feel like I've grown up yet. I'm still playing. Maybe having kids will change the way I feel about myself. I'm going to be a great mom.... someday.
song of the moment: My Coco, Stellastar*....

1 comment:

MamaChristy said...

Dean Cain is HOT but Superman is way HOTTER! I think it's the myth.

Yes, you have always been a music junkie and blessedly it is easier than ever to have a wide and varried taste in music. We just got our first iPod (A nano, the thing is beyond small and so stinking cool. i can even put photos on it!). It would make an excellent Christmas present to yourself if you can stomache the $$.

Oh, and just because we have kids does NOT mean that we are grown up! We are all perpetually 13 and that's a-okay. You will be a great mom when you are ready. It's so great and please know that you don't have to really be grown-up to be a good parent.

My song of the moment: Seven Days in Sunny June, Jamiroquai