Tuesday, October 11, 2005

hrm... where to begin.

Hey all. Sorry it's been awhile. Computer issues and lack of motivation have kept me away. Nothing much has changed. Still working a part time job, though less often. B lives here 4 REAL, now. He continues to be an amazing support. He's in an almost gigging band: Lavender Drags. Their first show is Nov 12, if you happen to be in Cinci at that point. (don't ask about the name. i don't know.) We got another cat. I promise to post more often. I promise not to complain too much about work. I got promoted at the end of July and have my own rotten store. J/K. My staff of 12 is made up of good kids; we're still getting used to eachother. I will continue to complain about the weather. Fall is in the air, and I'm not happy about it. Snow = right around the corner.... TTFN

1 comment:

MamaChristy said...

I'm glad you're back. You were missed. XOXO