Monday, December 26, 2005

Happy Holidays

We spent some time with each side of B's family this past weekend. I got to play "show-off-the-ring". pretty fun. His mom, dad, brother and grandmother all made daughter comments. :) We had dinner with my mom last night. Mom and Becca are super excited and are both concerned about finding a date. Ha! I am so tired as we didn't get home until midnight and I had to open the store this morning. Long day to be over at 2:00.
Good news: he picked a date, and I won't be 30 yet! We are getting hitched Oct 21st, 2006. Not even a year. We'll be married next Christmas! next Halloween! Yikes! I had a minor panic attack yesterday. I think it finally started to sink in: the whole married thing. He takes good care of me. We're going to be okay.

1 comment:

MamaChristy said...

That's great that you picked a date. I meant to ask: why April or October? I've been trying to think why and I don't know (other than nice weather, but I don't know if October is nice in CinCity).

It's too funny that Mom and Becca are worried about dates! I hope they both find ones they like. I don't know if I'll have a date or not... I will have to see what it's like with the boy at that time. I know J would like to be there, but I've told him that I will be going no matter what.

Oh, and you two will be better than okay. :)