Thursday, December 22, 2005

I am not planning yet...

I spent 4 hours looking at dresses online last night. I got my nails done today in preperation for everyone looking at my ring. Trying to convince B for an Oct date rather than an Apr date. Avoided an argument over who's paying for the wedding with my mother. *whew* Called a few friends. Asked my sister to stand in the wedding. got an offer for a photographer and a reference for a florist. Tried really hard not to tell B all of the "non" planning I've been "not" doing.
I have never had dreams of a fairy tale wedding. I'm not sure where this is all coming from. Personally, I am very afraid. I wasn't stressing about Christmas with his family. It's easy to blend in and relax with them. Now, I'm not so sure about the blending-in part. *sigh* Here we go!

1 comment:

MamaChristy said...

Uhhh, why do you want to blend in exactly? My dramatic friend used to like being the center of attention... (though you were never irritating getting to the center - you just ended up there because you are beautiful and interesting)