Wednesday, March 23, 2005

what i hate most about...

I really have no intention on going to my 10 year high school reunion, but i'd at least like to know about it. I've checked and, but nothing about a reunion. As I look at those sights though, I realize how few people I knew in high school. B went to a tiny Catholic school. We attended to a going away party for a girl moving overseas a few months ago. About 50 people showed up, he knew them all, and that was most of his graduating class. Weird. Hundreds of people that we graduated with, and I would be lucky to know 10% of them. Bad thing? No. It just makes me wonder about the validity of a reunion. I've never planned on going anyway.

1 comment:

MamaChristy said...

You are right - there isn't a great reason to have this silly reunion. I don't plan to spend $79 a person to see a bunch of people that I didn't know well in high school and don't know at all now. You're not missing anything by not getting the UGLY postcard that they sent out. If you really wanna know about it, visit and look it up under reuinions. You can also submit a bio sheet for inclusion in the booklet thing that they are putting together even thought you don't plan to attend.