Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Kids Part II

Just got off the phone with the sister and the mom. Actually quite amazed Sis talked to me. She usually won't when she's angry. the most recent fight was pretty angry and she told mom that she hated her. When I talked to her, she said that she just doesn't want to be told what to do, but that mom needs to act like a mom. hrm. interesting. I hope they get through this spell soon. I can't deal with them pulling me in the middle. I feel bad for mom but remember all too well the teenage fights we had. Of course, Sis blames it all on Dad. He was around for me and I was the perfect child with perfect grades and leading roles. I wish. I got angry when she said that and excused myself from the conversation. I reiterate the previous post: I don't want teenagers. There will come a point that I am not the most important thing in my child's world. I don't even have one, and I can't deal with it. *sigh*
Bedtime. I have to open tomorrow. It will be a good day. darn it.

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