Tuesday, December 13, 2005

I used to be a writer...

I have a binder. it is full of writing dating back to a time when i used to write every day. edited journals, poems, good lines. sometimes i flip thought the pages and wander back through the memories that accompany them. sometimes i think about writing again. is an author someone who writes or someone who is read? Alot of the pieces revolve around beginnings and endings. not very many inbetween times. most of the poems revolve around extreme emotions. the most recent addition to the binder is two years old, shortly before B and I started dating. It is my favorite piece, probably due to the fact I haven't reread it a million times in a vain attempt to figure out where all my words have gone.


MamaChristy said...

They'll be back. The words have a way of returning when you really need them.

MamaChristy said...

I've been thinking about it more and I think you should go for it anyway. I think you should submit something to the Indigo Leaf Magazine even if you haven't written in a while. Please think about it. You may be surprised...