Thursday, November 17, 2005

Wish I had a picture.

Today's grand adventure included TWO babies and NO snow. :) It was a fabulous day.
Visited with my friend Sara and her darling children. Drew is 15 months old and quite a charmer. I was his very first babysitter and am still his favorite. We play dancing games and he likes to snuggle. There is nothing more adorable than a little man with indie-rock hair reaching out to be picked up.
Merrin is a 5-week old, sleeping, pooping machine. Her cries are still soft and she's still cute when very VERY mad. Drew sometimes throws things at her, if mom's not on her toes. She wasn't up for dancing much yet, but we'll get there. I get to babysit for them next month; B's coming along to "help" which means I'll have to hold the baby while he dances with Drew. Two indie-rock haired men dancing. *smile*
It's going to get down into the teens tonight. BBBRRR. I've taken to wearing ball caps the past week. Keeps my head warm. No one really wants a cold head, afterall. I'm off the next two days. Sleeping in is going to be wonderful.

Love you.

1 comment:

MamaChristy said...

I'm so glad that you find an afternoon with a 15 month old and a new born enjoyable. Let me tell you, Sara must be a saint. I don't think I could handle a tiny baby with my boy right now. Just the one keeps me super busy.

It's also good to hear that B seems to like the kids... That bodes well for the future...

Stay warm and enjoy all that sleep!