Tuesday, January 18, 2005

so many topics to ramble about.

started out slow and stayed pretty tedious. worked 5 hours on a project that should have taken 2. wasted 3 hours reading a somwhat entertaining blog. avoided 4 collections calls. ate twice. *positive* yesterday... also slow... took 6 hours to prime and paint one room. made better money than waiting tables however, so i will cease my crying. I can't seem to pick up the pace. d r a g g i n g a s s . hrmph. mind over matter..? The money potential is unlimited with the new job lineup. I just need to bust my tail for a few weeks and I can catch up. L moves out this weekend. *mixed feelings* But she's taking the computer (i.e. my favorite time wasting excuse.) she's also taking the monster dogs. *more mixed feelings* I just want to spend some time with MY house. Maybe I'll get around to finishing the dining room or changing out the shelves in the kitchen. MY house. It's been my house since May and it's still not done. another sad testimony to the sad state of my get up & go. *grumble*

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